Joining the DragonFlite 95 Class Owners Association

STEP 1 – Apply to get a sail number

To get a sail number, review the sail registry page (click here: Sail Numbers Register) and find an available number.

Fill out the online form (Click here to register) and request that number (you will be asked to only put the last two digits of the assigned sail number on your sails so you can just request those two numbers and we will find a sail number ending in those two numbers),

Submit payment via paypal from the bottom of the registration form.

Then, please, be patient. we try to update the registry at least once a week (usually Thursday evenings) so it might be a few days before you hear from us. After, we register you and your number, you will receive an email verifying your sail number.


STEP 2CLICK HERE to get the Sail Numbering Guides and Templates for the numbers

STEP 3 – Check out our Tip and Hints page for Assembly and Rigging advice as well as a wealth of other resources.

STEP 4 – Rig the boat per the instructions. If you would like to see them online, CLICK HERE

STEP 5 – Add water and enjoy !!!!